31 January is happy birthday of Wanga, who is clairvoyant from the Bolgaria.
The most shocking prediction blind Vanga did in 1980. She said then literally as follows: "At the end of the century, in August 1999 or 2000, Kursk will be under water, and the whole world will mourn him."
Kursk - the city with a population of half million. Kursk located middle of the continent, far from any source of major rivers or reservoirs. In August 2000 downfall of nuclear submarine "Kursk", and the entire world mourned ...
Predicting 1989: "Fear, fear! I see American brothers fall, through bite by iron birds. Wolves howl I hear from bush, and the innocent blood spilled rivers I see. " -- allusion was not understood because on the Bulgarian "bush" is "kust", - Wanga identified the Geminis fall by the time of President Bush ...
1960: "As the train in 2018 will fly on the wire from the Sun. Oil production stops, the Earth will be rest. "
It seems that this is beginning to come true. Scientists in 2018 will be organize the extraction of helium-3 on the Moon such plans were announced just a few days ago. Helium, in Greek means "sun". Helium-3 is a product of solar activity, and the fuel for fusion reactor, which, in fact, itself - a small sun. The reactor will provide electricity in the wires, and the trains will be fly.
Not all prophecies come true from Wanga ... Cassandra sometimes wrong ... Maybe not. We may not be able to interpret what is not yet happen.
Written by Vlad Domennov.
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